Saturday, March 8, 2008

The progression of a description-- part 1

My first three attempts to "work out" a "pointed little effect" regarding something that's been floating around in my mind for the last few months. (This will suck. Brace yourself.)

...blond, wool-coated men that haunt the halls of academia...

...weak-looking, blond, wool-coated young men gliding through the halls of academia...

...blond, weak-looking young men, with their glasses and wool coats, striding soundlessly through the halls of academia...

I'm so Kafka, writing out my attempts. And I'm so fucking profound. Haha. I'm trying to be Mann, aka something I'm not. I need to give my pompous 19th-century tone a swift kick to the huevos. Looking back at my early attempts at fiction (ie. last June, ie. not even a year ago, DAMN IT!), I'm so ashamed at how fucking pretentious I was; I was trying to write like Mann/ a dead 1800's Euro white guy. A bad idea. But everyone goes through their shitty stage. Pretty sure I'm still in mine. But at least I'm progressing!

Which sounds less pretentious: "academia" or "the academy"? Or do they both suck? Meh. Fin.

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