Friday, April 4, 2008

Metaphysics-- attempt #1

[My first attempt to describe a particular event. I'm not overly happy with it. I have the feeling that no matter how long I try, I'll only end up producing more attempts... "He was more beautiful than words can express, and Aschenbach felt, as so often already, the painful awareness that language can only praise sensuous beauty, but not reproduce it." It's also really hard not to go off into a cliche-fest. I stole the 9th line from a medieval Chinese story.]

I have seen divine beauty:
A gentle smile on your good face.
Your face, lit from within.
In this white light, all others,
Who I always took as sources of infinite fascination,
have very simply
Let them come and let them go--
Their pretty flesh will be like dirt to me.
I know that you will drive me on, forever,
Sweeten my dreams, and be their consummation.
I have been transfigured.

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